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NAPE – YP Community Service

The month of February is marked by a celebration of love on St. Valentine’s day. The best kind of love is exemplified in showing love to people without expecting anything in return.

On this premise, the NAPE Young Professionals (YPs) paid a charity visit to the Bales of Mercy Orphanage, Gbagada, Lagos state on the 9th of February, 2019. To signify the importance of this event, a delegate of 13 YPs led by the YP Lead, Phillip Ajaebili visited the orphanage to signify the importance of the event.

The visit was marked by fun, educative interactions between the YPs and the children, who were happy to share their dreams and aspirations for the future. There was also an opportunity for the YPs to advice and encourage the children. The Young Professionals specially enjoined the kids to be prayerful, pay due attention to their studies, learn as much they can and strive to become good ambassadors in the society.

Items donated (through contributions by the entire YP community) included foodstuff, provisions and personal effects. The kids and orphanage’s management expressed their heart-felt gratitude for the gesture.

The event ended following closing remarks and prayers by the YP Lead and the YP General Secretary, respectively.