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March Reflections from the NAPE President, Mr. Abiodun Ogunjobi, FNAPE

Dear NAPE Members and Stakeholders,

Welcome to April, which marks the beginning of the second quarter of the year. As we continue the journey to reposition NAPE for the evolving energy landscape, I am pleased to update you on the significant developments in March, aligning with our strategic focus areas aimed at making NAPE the leading professional association of petroleum geosciences and related disciplines in Nigeria and Africa.

  1. Website Redesign: Our website is undergoing a transformation into a dynamic learning hub, recognizing the importance of digital presence in today’s social media-driven world.
  2. NAPE e-learning: We are finalizing the launch of the NAPE e-learning platform, focusing on education and training in emerging energy technologies critical for NAPE’s strategic realignment.
  3. University Pairing-to-Teach Program: The program has successfully paired industry volunteers with universities, with over 65 volunteers and 34 universities expressing interest.
  4. NAPE Grant-in-Aid (GIA): The 7-member committee entrusted to oversee grant distribution to benefiting students across universities is finalizing the first batch of grant distribution.
  5. NAPE Train-the-Trainer: This year, we are planning two physical training programs for lecturers. We have commenced engagement with stakeholders for seismic data processing summer training and lectures.
  6. Partnership with Harvex-Geosolution: Collaborative efforts have resulted in document execution for Seismic Processing and Rock Physics software donations to 15+ institutions, with agreements and deliveries underway.
  7. Membership Growth: We welcomed 210 new members, including 33 actives, 1 associate, 1 corporate, and 175 students. Additionally, four student chapters were inaugurated.
  8. Publicity: NAPE’s presence was highlighted at key conferences such as NIES, SAIPEC, and NMGS, garnering significant attention on social media platforms.
  9. Catch Them Young Initiative: Our outreach extended to secondary schools, including participation in the career week at CIS School in Lekki.
  10. Conference Planning Committee (CPC). The CPC was inaugurated for the successful planning of the 2024 NAICE.
  11. NAPE Election 2024: The election process, in accordance with Section 11 of the amended NAPE constitution, commenced on March 28, 2024, offering opportunities for active involvement in our association’s leadership.
  12. Port Harcourt Chapter Visit: In March, the executive visit to the Port Harcourt chapter was productive, fostering interactive sessions with members and courtesy visits to corporate partners.

As we strive for excellence, your engagement and support remain vital to NAPE’s success. Let us work together to elevate NAPE as the leading geosciences association in Nigeria.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment.

Best Regards,

Abiodun Ogunjobi, FNAPE
President, Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE)