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NAPE-YP Technical Series January 2019

Have you ever wondered what goes on in geologic environments >1000 metres subsea? Perhaps you have had some unanswered questions about the importance of the Deepwater to hydrocarbon and the oil industry? The NAPE-YP members had Dr. Ifeanyi Obi to the rescue.

On the 2nd of  February 2019, Dr. Ifeanyi Obi (SEG Sub-Saharan Africa Representative) facilitated a session to share his understanding of Deepwater geological phenomena. The session had 25 NAPE-YP members in attendance.

Attendees had the options to participate either at the NAPE Secretariat in Lagos or remotely via YouTube live-streaming.

Dr. Obi’s presentation was aided by interactive charts and images, to depict how sand journeys to the Deepwater, the impact of processes and geologic controls on the final products.

In comments by the Publicity Secretary, Mr. Abdul Lateef Amodu; and the NAPE Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Chris Jackson, YPs were encouraged to apply these learnings to their jobs and contribute to NAPE conferences and editorials.

The Deepwater Story was the first technical series and YP event in 2019. It stemmed from the 2019 NAPE YP masterplan developed by the NAPE Excos, led by Phillip Ajaebili (2019 NAPE-YP Lead).

In pursuance of YP development, 10 technical series will be run by the YP Technical Committee, throughout the 2019 year.

Other planned 2019 events include technical workshops, coding booth camps, social and charity events, and engagements with petroleum industry leaders.

Editorial Contributors: Chioma Ogbechie, Jude Igweajah, Wisdom Bassey